The mission of the Back to Health Chiropractic & Acupuncture Wellness Center is to be your expert in soft tissue injuries and personalized alternative healthcare…
Through training and experience, our healthcare providers know that nearly all injuries involve soft tissues. Headaches, knee pain or injuries, tennis/golf elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain, ankle pain or injuries, iliotibial band (IT Band) syndrome, and plantar fasciitis are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to soft tissue injuries.
Despite the extensive prevalence of injuries to soft tissue, today’s healthcare systems have not made them a priority. The reasons are endless but the main concern is that no single profession specializes in soft tissue injuries. Metabolic tests, labs and MRI’s cannot diagnose soft tissue injuries. Instead these tests only show more traumatic damage, such as tearing. Regrettably, medications to treat soft tissues simply don’t exist. This all makes for an overall poor understanding
of, and treatment protocol for, these types of injuries and related pain.
At the Back to Health Chiropractic & Acupuncture Wellness Center, our goal is to improve this lack of understanding. In our office the occurrence of soft tissue injuries are commonplace. We recognize soft tissue injuries as a widely misunderstood issue, and know how to diagnose and treat them. We take the time to listen to your story. Next we integrate the data gathered from your history and with your exam findings. Using all the information, we formulate a complete picture. This tells our healthcare providers how your injury physically occurred and all of the soft tissues involved.
For example, if you’re having pain on the outside of your knee, a common place answer would be that you have
iliotibial band (IT Band) syndrome. However, at the Back to Health Chiropractic & Acupuncture Wellness Center, your answer may be that you have a contributing factor. Sciatic nerve entrapment is likely causing your knee stabilizers to be weakened. This weakness is creating an environment where your iliotibial band is being overworked. This scenario will result in pain, but the injury doesn’t begin at the iliotibial band. It ends there. If we treat the iliotibial band and not the entrapment, the pain will be relieved temporarily. As a result, the pain will return, because the true problem was overlooked. Our mission is to fix your injury from the source.
Our goal only starts with the treatment of your injury and pain. We also want to educate you in the process. The professionals at the Back to Health Chiropractic & Acupuncture Wellness Center take pride in our ability to keep you informed. We want you to understand your health and be a part of your treatment process along with us. And just as importantly, we want you to have the knowledge and tools you need to prevent your injury from recurring.
BACK TO HEALTH : (203) 263-0411
Our practitioners:
Erik G. LeMoullec, DC, FCAMI – a chiropractor and acupuncturist specializing in a variety of treatments and techniques including: